Our child team
One in 10 children in Australia will be diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental condition. One in 70 will be diagnosed with autism.
Our child team works with children, families, and child-focused services across NSW to explore the characteristics and support the practical and diagnostic needs of children with a range of neurodevelopmental conditions and their families.

Exploring social development in children with Cerebral Palsy
A high proportion of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) show significant social challenges. Around 30% of children with CP are also diagnosed with autism. However, no previous research has identified ways to systematically identify and track social development challenges in this population.
This trial is currently recruiting.
Currently recruiting
Supporting social learning in autistic pre-schoolers
As part of our ground-breaking oxytocin research, this study is investigating the effectiveness of a new nasal spray in reducing social and behavioural challenges in autistic children when combined with social learning therapy.

This trial is currently recruiting.

​An overview of treatment provided to children and adolescents with ADHD in Australia
In 2019, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affected an estimated 281,200 Australian children and adolescents (4.2%). We are reviewing the treatment provided to children with ADHD to assess the extent it adheres to national guidelines.
Understanding the needs of children and families attending assessment services
Our studies have explored the diverse diagnostic and practical needs of children and families presenting to neurodevelopmental assessment clinics across Sydney. By better understanding needs and challenges, we can find new ways to improve assessments.