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Mother and Daughter

CAN Policy

We consult with industry and government on policies that will provide greater interventions and support to a wider range of individuals and families across Australia.


ND Australia

We are part of an unprecedented national alliance between universities, hospitals, clinicians, providers, researchers and community groups,  committed to improving the health and wellbeing of children and families dealing with neurodevelopment conditions.
Our goal is to transform the way people are diagnosed, treated and supported for a range of neurodevelopment conditions.

Senate Select Committee on Autism

As part of ND Australia, we made written and in-person submissions to the Australian Senate Select Committee on Autism. We highlighted the importance of a National Autism Strategy, the mental health and wellbeing of autistic people, the need for integrated and innovative treatments and pathways and fast tracked clinical trials, and our work on world-first transdiagnostic evaluation. The Select Committee published its final report in March 2022.

Read our ND Australia submission and the final report below. 

Senate Select Committee on Autism.webp

Home and living options for people with disabilities

Wheelchair Access

We collaborated with the Centre for Disability Studies (CDS) to develop the Home and Living Options for People with Disabilities report. Commissioned by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), the report reviewed interventions and strategies that help people move from institutional care into more individualised home and living options, and identified those that best support the transition. The report highlighted both a path forward to independent housing, as well as the need for more research in the area.

Read the full report below. 

Contact CAN Research

Brain and Mind Centre

University of Sydney

94 Mallet Street

Camperdown, NSW, 2050

Tel: 02 9114 4104

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The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

Cnr Hawkesbury Road & Hainsworth Street

Westmead, NSW, 2145


We use identity-first language (autistic person)  rather than person-first language (person with autism) throughout the site.
Find out more about our decision to do so. 


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