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CAN Clinical Trials

We run ground-breaking clinical trials across the developmental lifespan.
Our goal is to quickly and efficiently find answers and interventions that offer real solutions and support to individuals and families. 

Supporting social learning therapy in autistic pre-schoolers

As part of our ground-breaking oxytocin research, this study is investigating the effectiveness of a new nasal spray in reducing social and behavioural challenges in autistic children when combined with social learning therapy.

This trial is currently recruiting.

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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to support social communication

Our team is partnering with clinicians and researchers from around Australia to investigate whether transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a safe and effective method to help support social communication in autistic adolescents and adults .

This trial is currently recruiting.

Investigating a new treatment to support autistic adolescents and adults with social communication

In the IRIS study, we are looking to find out
whether the investigational study drug,
designated ML-004, will help alleviate some of
the challenges that can impact communication
in those on the autism spectrum.

This trial is currently recruiting.

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Previous research

Kids in Slide

Oxytocin nasal spray studies

Our Child Development and Behaviour Research Group is conducting cutting-edge trials using oxytocin, a naturally occurring hormone in the brain (also known as the ‘love hormone’).

Investigating a new treatment to support mood and behaviour in autistic adolescents

Between 40–70% of autistic individuals experience persistent gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. These symptoms may correlate with gut microbiome imbalances, bacterial metabolite levels, and increased behavioural challenges.

The clinical research team worked with Axial and three other sites on a Phase 1b/2a trial to assess the safety, tolerability and efficacy of a pharmaceutical therapy called AB-2004.

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Contact CAN Research

Brain and Mind Centre

University of Sydney

94 Mallet Street

Camperdown, NSW, 2050

Tel: 02 9114 4104

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The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

Cnr Hawkesbury Road & Hainsworth Street

Westmead, NSW, 2145

We use identity-first language (autistic person)  rather than person-first language (person with autism) throughout the site.
Find out more about our decision to do so. 


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