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Bruna Berger Roisenberg

Bruna is currently completing her PhD with CAN Research, investigating the relationships between social anxiety and autism, with a focus on the modified-CBT social anxiety group program.


Bruna is a clinical psychologist from Brazil, with a master's degree in Mental Health and Psychosocial Care from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil).



Research interests

  • Clinical Psychology

  • Autism 

  • Social Anxiety

Publication highlights

Ramos, D.K., Rocha, N.L.D., Rodrigues, K.J.R., & Roisenberg, B.B. (2017). The use

of cognitive games in the school context: contributions to executive functions. School and Educational Psychology, 21, 265-275.


Roisenberg, B. B., Rocha, N. L., Mattos, V. de B. (2020). Generation Y and career: Reflections for the field of career guidance. In: Luna, I. N., Mattos, V. de B. (Org.). Lifetime career interventions. Curitiba: Brazil Publishing, 2020. p. 147-168.


Roisenberg, B.B. (2017). The Brazilian indigenous population and the use of alcohol and other drugs. In: Ana Pitta; Paulo Amarante; Walter Oliveira. (Org.). Human Rights and Mental Health. ed: Editora HUCITEC, v. 01, p. 248-272.

Contact CAN Research

Brain and Mind Centre

University of Sydney

94 Mallet Street

Camperdown, NSW, 2050

Tel: 02 9114 4104

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The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

Cnr Hawkesbury Road & Hainsworth Street

Westmead, NSW, 2145


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Find out more about our decision to do so. 


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