Adolescents and young adults
Adolescence can be a difficult time for young people and their families. This period can be even trickier for autistic adolescents, and those with other neurodevelopmental conditions, as they navigate increasingly complex educational and social environments.
Late adolescence is also marked by a significant decrease in support, as young autistic adults ‘age out’ of government funding and leave high school. However, there is also great potential for reward, with new opportunities for independent living, further education or the start of a career.
Our research aims to find novel ways of supporting adolescents, young adults and their families as they navigate these transitions. Encompassing health, social cognition, and employment, our current studies explore the challenges and strengths of young autistic individuals and seek to improve outcomes in a variety of settings.
Currently recruiting

This trial is currently recruiting.
A clinical trial of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in autism spectrum disorder
Our team is partnering with clinicians and researchers from around Australia to investigate whether transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a safe and effective method to help support social communication in adolescents and adults with autism.
CBT group therapy programs for social anxiety or autism
Our CBT group programs are open to young adults over the age of 16. One group is for autistic people seeking support to manage social skills and anxiety, and one is for neurotypical adults living with social anxiety disorder (SAD). Both programs are free.

This trial is currently recruiting.

Study of the Safety and
Tolerability of AB-2004 in a Pediatric ASD Population
Between 40–70% of autistic individuals experience persistent gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. These symptoms have been found to correlate with gut microbiome imbalances, bacterial metabolite levels, and increased behavioural challenges.
The clinical research team worked with Axial and three other sites on a Phase 1b/2a trial to assess the safety, tolerability and efficacy of a pharmaceutical therapy called AB-2004.